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Government Salaries Explorer
This database of compensation for Texas state employees is published by
The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit and nonpartisan
news organization. We publish this information because we believe that disclosing how tax
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Updated: Oct. 1, 2024 • Download all data
Retirement System Benefits Specialist II
Texas Emergency Services Retirement System
This position is categorized as insurance, according to the state auditor's office. Its salary ranges from $37,918 to $58,130. A description of this position and its responsibilities is available on the auditor's website.
Median salary
Average salary
Employees by gender
Gender | Employees | Percent | Median salary |
Female | 1 | $51,240 | |
Male | 1 | $51,024 |
Employees by race
Race | Employees | Percent | Median salary |
Black | 1 | $51,240 | |
White | 1 | $51,024 |
Length of employment
All employees have worked at the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System for one to 10 years.
Length of employment | Employees | Percent | Median salary |
1-10 years | 2 | $51,132 |
Employment status
All employees who hold this position are full-time. Employment status refers to whether an employee is listed as working part or full time and is based on hours worked in a week.
Status | Employees | Percent | Median salary |
Full-Time | 2 | $51,132 |
Current employees
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